torsdag den 17. juni 2010

Blogindlæg 17/06-10 14:52

Sammi & Jinxx

Blogindlæg 17/06-10 14:49

If you wonna follow some interesting vlogs and people:

Andy Six
Brittany Vlog
Brittany Beauty

Blogindlæg 17/06-10 14:28

An anti christ for you, a fallen angel for me..

Here's to your perfect weapon.
Crack bones with blind agression.
Like birds whose wings are broken,
You live without direction.

Leave us alone!
You're on your own!

We are breathing while your sleeping,
And leave us alone.
The liars cheating,
Our hearts beating,
And now you're on your own.

Perfect Weapon

mandag den 14. juni 2010

torsdag den 3. juni 2010

Blogindlæg 03/06-10 11:14

Open my eyes, let me see you
And blow this blinding darkness away
Open my eyes, let me find you
Give me a sign

tirsdag den 1. juni 2010

mandag den 5. april 2010

Blogindlæg 05/04-10 19:36

- Fun
Jeg har købt Magnus & Mygge - skumlesens Hævn, I Tiger for 20 kr. - Et gammelt barndoms minde..
Jeg har dog allerede snydt et par gange, selvom det er et spil for 6-10 årige... Så dårlig er jeg... Nogle gange er det mere svært at finde de åbentlyse ting! (dårlig undskyldning)
Nu er jeg dog også gået i stå, og ved ikke hvad jeg skal gøre...

Der udover købte jeg 3 gange sæbebobeler for 10 kr. !
Der er altså grund til at gå i Tiger!

lørdag den 27. februar 2010

Blogindlæg 27/02-10 20:31

Sidst købte CD: The Dreams - Revolt
Sidst købte DVD: This is it!
Sidst spiste mad: SUSHI!
Sidste grund til kvalme: I ved.. Når man laver saftevand, har man sådan noget grund saft, ukoncentreret saft. Hvor man for at drikke det, skal have 2/10 af den saft i og 8/10 vand. Så købte jeg noget og troede det var noget sodavands-noget, jeg engang har købt før (som så sådan ud- samme mærke, samme flaske) .. Nå men, ja, det troede jeg det var, så derfor tog jeg en HEL slurk af det ukoncentreret saft... OH MY GOD, hvor jeg dog fik det dårligt!! Helt vildt!! Har stadig kvalme efter det!!
Sidste grund til træthed: Jeg er IGEN blevet forkølet
Dagens boykot: Fona, især den på strøget. De har INGEN TING!! Så nu er jeg vred.

fredag den 19. februar 2010

Blogindlæg 19/02-10 21:23

Miss Nature!

Help us!

What about sunrise
What about rain
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain.. .
What about killing fields
Is there a time
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?

What have we done to the world
Look what we've done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son...
What about flowering fields
Is there a time
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine...
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores

I used to dream
I used to glance beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
Although I know we've drifted far

Help Nature, Help Us!

torsdag den 21. januar 2010

Blogindlæg 21/01-10 21:07

Køb aldrig små løg!!

onsdag den 20. januar 2010

Blogindlæg 20/01-10 18:15

Okay this time it was The Dreams in my head. But still - I will put this link on, cause I have a freak out :D
Whataya want from me
- I skulle ikke høre mit gå amok med den her video, det er rimelig sindssygt xD Så jeg vælger SLET ikke at sige noget om den!
Udover det, ville jeg rigtig godt kunne lide at se Adam med sit lilla hår igen, aw xD

mandag den 18. januar 2010

Blogindlæg 18/01-10 20:37

Eating peanuts, daim and singing Adam Lambert songs in my head - thats how my exams are xD

torsdag den 14. januar 2010

Blogindlæg 14/01-10 17:42

Some of my very favourite tweets!!!

tschuldigung Watching Avatar second time. Was so much into it, that I tried to breath along with Jake when he couldn't breathe! My heart beating fast! xD

Neytiri @tschuldigung It means he's mine and no one elses. ;)

tschuldigung "There is no green there... they have killed their mother.." #Avatar

panikmusik Im in love with Neytiri from Pandora :)

tschuldigung I want to go hunting polar bears in Swedish forests...

laudenbonk the important doesn't come at the end of the road, but so much before, during the travel itself.

panikmusik Hope you have some friends around you in the lonely, cold wintertime.. I have! Thanks for that, love ya! :)

laudenbonk Ahh, where is my laptop? I bet Timo stole it, thats why he couldnt sleep! RRR! :-) Good morning!

AFI Thanx to everyone who came to the show tonight! It was fun! Sorry about the fire alarm- I guess someone thought there was a fire inside. -H

TranquilMammoth @annaprior I'm best friends with jet lag right now. We just met up in Tokyo.


mandag den 11. januar 2010

Blogindlæg 11/01-10 22:41

Die Luft brennt Narben in den Hals
Ich versuch zu entkommen, doch ich verlier
Dieser Blick lässt mich nicht mehr allein

søndag den 10. januar 2010

tirsdag den 5. januar 2010

Blogindlæg 05/01-10 22:23

Twitter is fun!
German is the love language
Facebook is shit..
Myspace is nice..
Germans are great!
German music is amazing

I'm addicted to my computer..
I give Panik the fault.. they started it all