lørdag den 19. februar 2011

Blogindlæg 19/02-11 18:20

"She ducked under the surface of the water as if she could hide from the humiliating memory. It didn't work. Drowning youself won't help, she told herself sternly. Now, drowning Will, on the other hand..."

Blogindlæg 19/02-11 18:07

It's about that one thing we go around dreaming about and want. When we get older we understand it won't ever happen and it isn't true, but we still dream and hope for it the rest of our life. And in the end we will die, without it.

onsdag den 12. januar 2011

Blogindlæg 12/01-11 20:12

Esmeralda Far Away The Day After Tomorrow 2010

/ linefs.blogspot.com

Blogindlæg 12/01-11 20:02

DR er syge, DR er SÅ syge! De fatter intet! De gør ikke andet end at dræbe de unges interesser...
Jeg er så vildt vred! Jeg håber SKUM kan reddes nu når de har totalt smadret min barndom ved at lukke Boogie Listen...
DR er så syge, og jeg er bare så vred at jeg ikke kan holde det ud...